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Activity 7 : Thinking Tools

In today's class we were introduced to the new methods of thinking it taught us the simply stick way of thinking in sequence manner in other language it can be say we were taught to think systematically, how to make ideas more interesting and usable. We were taught different tools in the class and each of the tool has its own outcome and meaning in the process of thinking and development of idea generation.

The first activity was about slice and dice method, which basically tort to observe carefully and think about the minutest detail in the object given, the order taught included Descriptive, Functional, Emotional, Process and Social. In the beginning we were given a pencil to analyze in which the process was really amazing to study since it taught me that how our emotions are connected to it, and the first go to step before any any analysis is the the slice and dice method.

Next in the line was the scamper method, i had previously heard about this method but never really got into its practice until this activity, It helped me to recreate ,reverse, combine , merge, adapt my same idea with different Elements and many different beautiful possibilities of the same idea, this method bought a fresh perspective for me in order to open up my brain combination and substitution of the same things to bring out many different ideas .

Next with the circle of opportunity, it was all about that taught me that how one idea doesn't only has one possibility but rather it connects us to mint different ways of thinking and new idea generation , this made me think of many unconventional ideas with the thought of bringing in ideas from out of the box .

Further in continuation of the process of thinking, the next method was cross breeding, where in the possibility of impossible combination happened to be learnt, i got to know about new combination that are rare which could be combined inspire of there opposite nature in order to develop a whole new idea. All these activities helped me to bring my thinking a step up and open up my brain for new design possibilities which could be original yet way innovative and well explored, I believe there are endless possibilities of thinking and no idea is wage and every elements is a step forward to a great new idea development.

LEARNING MANTRA: Ideas have endless possibilities, you just have to trust the process


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