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The the activity started with the making of pineapple made with sunboard as a base and thermocol used for the shaping of the pineapple, coated with layers of paper mache in over to achieve a smooth base and texture for coloring

FORM ANALYSIS SHEET, in that activity by observing thee careful texture of my 3D objects which was the fruit I was assigned, which happened to be a pineapple, for the careful observation of the object I how to carefully study the texture, cuts, base, size and smell of the pineapple

I also did the Idea generation process which started with the 2D and 3D exploration of the subject, subject (pineapple). In the 2D exploration ab the help and reference of FBL 1 for the dots, line and curves for the representation of my fruit. In the 3D exploration I tried to achieve my fruit figure with twisting and turning of the metal wire.

Idea Development

The the development of Idea with the Ges talt theory, playing with the positive and negative space of plane and trying to depict my fruit the 2D exploration with the different medium


 • I have tried to used all my previous learnings from the past, for my pre- work.

 • For my pre-work, I used method of material transformation, which helped me out to understand how to use the difference types of material like glue, thermocol , sunboard etc.

 • In form analysis the ECO module helped me in the generation of my fruit.

 • In idea generation, the FBL 1 really helped to me understand the lines and dots of the formation of my fruit.

 • The gestalt theory helped me in the development of the idea in the idea.

 • Using illustrator for my final 2D outcome.


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