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Learner's Journey Log: EOC-1

  • In the pre work we were given assignment brief, in which i was assigned with the color green , in which we had to pick and list globally or universally accepted things which are green in color and categories them according to different aspect such as nature, brands, mobile and software apps etc., the problem we faced that we had many options to put in the green aspect but not everything was that we could list as not everything available with us is universally accepted in different part of world.

  • The next task brief was to make swatches of color palette of different objects around us and the task was to actually under different shades of that object and minutely observe any color that we can see on the object with our naked eye, the experience was really fun and interesting to observe the colors all the colors and make swatches with paint.

  • The next activity was a group activity in which we had to do mind mapping of the father categorization of the color green for example if the taken subject is flag and then father listed the green flags (we chose Pakistan's) which was father taken to sub topics of that which could be the shape or about the country and its geographical boundaries, cultural , fauna, fauna etc. or anything else that can be listed in brainstorming and associates the color green. Then we had to analyze that father about the color used in any particular brand and the reason of using the color and all of it's meaning, we had to read article about the actually meaning of any particular color and since our color was green we also explored about meaning of different color while exploring the process

  • Then we had to father segregate these lists individually about green and its categorization on individual level

  • The next task brief was all about understanding the meaning of color cinematography , understanding the making of every color used while making the movie and conceptualization of any scene or any character in the play, where in we had to make a presentation about it analyzing the subject of color explaining its use and place in that particular place with the use of example, this was a individual activity that had to be done for the better understanding or color theory and its importance in today's work and world of graphics, i understood a lot of new things while doing the assignment about new age graphics and movies, I personally worked on the movie of kunefe panda and explained its scene and meaning of color used.



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